Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Almost a Two Horned Day

This title is explained n a previous entry - refers to a picture that reminds me that my worst days are probably not anywhere near as bad as other poeple's bad days.

Condensed version because I have to be at school early ths morning:
* Bumped a parked car - not my fault, police officer agreed, suggested I petition department of transportation to correct the dangerous situation of the road
* covered both preschool classes yesterday because pm teacher was sick, without any break, which wul dnot have been bad but I was frazzled before I ever got to school
* new little one in class screamed (not cried, screamed) for the first 90 minutes of school; the parents did not feed the child anything that morning and did not consider this important to tell me - I found out incidentally while answering a call from them about transportation
* new little one screams any time you try to put shoes on their feet. SCREAMS like you are trying to cause serious bodily harm. I am considering a new "shoes are optional" policy
* new little one likes to drink the containers of paint like preschool shots
* the children in the afternoon class can smell weakness and by then I was worn down by the day - they were wild children
* I had a list of things I needed to do yesterday, none of which got done because I was late to work because of the car incident and because my afternoon of prep time was squashed

Redemption however came in two huge gifts:
* the owner of the car I bumped called and asked what happened. He then told me not to worry about it because he was going to have it painted anyway and that it would take a lot to damage his car. I thanked him over and over. Poor guy not only had his car bumped but when he called had to listen to my little one screaming. Anonymous sir, you are my hero!

* diet cream soda!! I have been searching for diet cream soda for over a decade and the only version I found was Faygo diet cream soda in a 20oz bottle that you have to buy individually and that is carried only by select gas stations and party stores in Michigan. That does not help me much here in Virginia, and not even very much in Michigan because they tend to sell out quickly and there is no way of knowing when they will get a new order. Yesterday at the grocery store that I use I found cans of diet cream soda - Jones diet cream soda. I bought all that I could and now know that they will be stocking it! Life is sweet again!! I am so easily swayed! :)

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