Wednesday, September 19, 2007

False Advertising

It is not just incredibly rude but dangerous to tease an exhausted teacher in search of caffeine with a huge Starbucks sign only to have there be a tiny sign in the window of the store (not visible from the road) that says "coming soon". It is not wise to tease one with such a desperate need for both sugar and caffeine that arises from having spent hours trying to contain and then educate preschoolers who want nothing more than to escape whatever limits you provide. Even moreso when said teacher still has a two hour class to attend that requires participation and attention. Starbucks, you have disappointed me. I was willing to sacrifice my soul and more money than you are worth to partake in your over-caffeinated and super-sweet coffee but you were not there. You led me on like a bad date and then dumped me when I needed you the most. Shame on you! So I turned you your closest competition for a rebound and was satisfied with my ice cream based, still heavily caffeinated coffee beverage and drove off to my meeting knowing that I don't need you Starbucks. You are not the only coffee in the sea of caffeine. So there! (Oh, I will see you in two weeks on my way to class - do you think you will be open by then?)

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