Sunday, January 28, 2007

Holy Grail

On Friday my brown eyed beauty was having one of his reflux days. In order to be free to work with other children we had propped one of his infamous "blue buckets" on his lap in his wheelchair and made him as comfortable as possible. Somehow he managed to knock the (empty) bucket off of his lap and send it sliding across the floor. My little darling observed this very quietly. Then she stood up and went over to where the bucket had landed. With the most deliberate and reverant of movements she picked it up and held it out in front of her. It was as if she were carrying a most sacred Holy object in an ancient religious ceremony. Walking with purposeful and careful steps she carried the "holy blue bucket" over to him and raised it up in offering. Then she placed it ever so gently in his lap and made sure that it was secure before stepping carefully backwards. Cocking her head to one side she took in the entire situation, deliberated, and then decided that it met with her approval because she nodded and then walked off to return to her toys. It was absolutely precious and it was so darn hard not to fall out of my chair with laughter. This tiny little girl with her long pigtails streaming down her back carrying a blue bucket with the most reverance to place it on the lap of her classmate who would most likely fill the sacred vessel with vomit before the morning was through. A sightly skewed, off center ritual of great tenderness and love. My children may not be "perfect" in the eyes of the world, but oh they are so perfect to me!!!

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